What is Emotional Rescue?
We all have had a life event or several that we didn’t want or had no control over its outcome. Attached to this experience are negative feelings which we may keep re-experiencing. These negative feelings undermine us in our thinking, our behaviour, our emotions and in our physical wellbeing. Using the technique of AAWSUM, negative feelings may be reduced or totally dissolved to the point that they no longer interfere or effect our day to day lives. The beauty of the AAWSUM technique is that it is a non-confrontational protocol and can be practiced over the phone.
Other services offered are Reiki, Bach Flower Remedies and NIS that go hand in hand with AAWSUM. Also on offer is a Confidant service, got a secret but cant tell anyone, well provided it isn’t illegal where i’d be required to testify, then I have an open ear, a shut mouth and wouldn’t pass judgement or comment unless invited to do so.


Reiki is an ancient art of natural healing energy rediscovered in Japan over one hundred years ago by Dr Usui. It is a gentle, but powerful ‘hands-on’ technique, which brings wholeness to both recipient and giver.

Bach Flowers
Dr Edward Bach was a successful physician specialising in bacteriology, immunology, pathology and homeopathies. He discovered 38 remedies, each for a specific emotional and mental state.

AAWSUM Technique is a way of relieving stress or ailments by reconnecting mind and body. To address the emotions verbally is to encourage a confrontation of feelings to identify and remove their hold.

We Treat Animals Too!
Animal Holistic Health promote natural health and wellbeing options that are a gentle, unobtrusive and chemical-free experience for you, your cat, dog or horse.
Book an Appointment
Get in touch with Paul to book your initial consultation. I can travel throughout most of New Zealand providing there are enough clients (treatments) to make the trip viable. Overseas visits are available by negotiation.